ECS LIVA Setup Part 3

Monitory Disconnect/Re-connect Issue

So when i first got the LIVA i was not impressed with it at all.  It did not work as I expected it to and felt I got ripped off. Needless to say after figuring out a few tweaks those problems are now gone. Today i will show you the first one that is the most painful.

To give you some background, I have loaded the Intel Graphics driver fine according to Intel’s support page. the problem I ran into is that every time I turned my TV off the HDMI connection would drop and when I turned the TV back on it would show in the logs as reconnected but the TV would still show no input.  After trying several different TV’s and Computer monitors I gave up for a few months.  One nite i decided to look again and here is what i came up with for a solution.

  1.  cd to the top of the filesystem ( / )
  2. Create a new script
    1. sudo vi
    2. Paste in the follow text. (don’t add the numbers 1-9)
      1. #cont loop to see connected hdmi and reset display
      2. while true
      3. do
      4. if (xrandr | grep “HDMI1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)” > /dev/null)
      5. then
      6. xrandr –output HDMI1 –mode 1920×1080 -r 60.0
      7. fi
      8. sleep 10
      9. done

      10. monitor-hdmi-autostart-2

    3. Save the file and then “chmod +X”
    4. additionally you need to set permissions with “chmod 777”
    5. If the monitor is not a 1080p monitor the resolution will change in step 2.2. for samsung 720p monitors its 1360×768
    6. Add the script to Session startup/App Autostart so that it starts at auto login.monitor-hdmi-autostart
    7. Now reboot and when you turn off your tv and  turn it back on  it should reconnect and show the HDMI output.

ECS LIVA Setup Part 1
ECS LIVA Setup Part 2
ECS LIVA Setup Part 4

#cont loop to see connected hdmi and reset display
while true
if (xrandr | grep "HDMI1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)" > /dev/null)
xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1920x1080 -r 60.0
sleep 10

2 thoughts on “ECS LIVA Setup Part 3

  1. mitchell

    I am trying to get your script to reset the HDMI but it doesnt run for me.

    while true
    if (xrandr | grep "HDMI1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) > /dev/null)
    xrandr ioutput HDMI1 -mode 1920×1080 -r 60.0
    sleep 10

    results in:
    mitchell@livingroom:~$ ./
    ./ line 3: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `”‘
    ./ line 9: syntax error: unexpected end of file

    1. Lance Post author

      Hi, i updated the post, there should have been a double quote after axis) in line 4. Also, make sure you change your xrandr output statement, you have ioutput and it should be –output.

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