here is a quick and simple SQL query to determine what updates supersede and update.

Here is the code, just replace the articleID in the where statement with the update you want to look at.
select distinct vui.ArticleID, (select vui3.ArticleID + ',' as 'data()' from v_UpdateInfo vui2 join v_CIRelationEx vre on vre.ToCIID = vui2.CI_ID join v_UpdateInfo vui3 on vre.FromCIID = vui3.CI_ID where vui2.CI_ID = vui.CI_ID and vre.RelationType = 6 group by vui3.ArticleID order by vui3.ArticleID desc for xml path('') ) as SupersededBy from v_UpdateInfo vui where vui.ArticleID = '4464217'